SmarterTrails Pricing


Annual Subscription
$500 for the first season, $300 a season after that.
*SmarterTrails season runs from June 1st to May 31st
*First season includes initial setup and loading of data
We make money when you make money:
We want your organization to generate revenue by selling advertising on your site and Smarter Trails gives you the tools to easily do that.
Here’s how it works:
You sell website advertising to your local business for whatever amount you want (typically $100 - $200 per season). Smarter Trails charges you $50 per season for each website advertiser. We give you 5 advertisers for free the first season and 3 advertisers free every season after that to offset the Smarter Trails annual subscription fee.
The End Goal:
Your organization sells web advertising that surpasses the cost of Smarter Trails so that it's effectively free and you're bringing additional revenue into your organization. The $50 per website advertiser that Smarter Trails collects allows us to continue adding features! It's a win-win.